project zero

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


today i fail my class 2a TP test , sux seh but wat to do.
28 point...

sometime in this world, what we want we cannot get
it means we must try try again dun give up
for everything that i want and i need that i have not get
i will word hard for it
wont go down that easily
with patience good thing can happen..

Monday, February 25, 2008

i ask god

i ask god for strength and god gave me difficulties to make me strong

i ask for wisdom and god gave me problems to solve

i ask god for prosperity and god gave me brains and strength to work

i ask god for courage and god gave me fear to overcome

Friday, February 22, 2008


this drawing was draw by me

Life is many thing
But one thing is sure
Nothing is certain
Nothing is pure
Why one way
And not the other
Why that choice
And what to discover
Life is a mystery
Life is a game
Life is all fantasy
But we all play
Why we do
None can say
But that is living
And living each day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

programming tat crack my head

ORG $0100
PORTB: EQU $1004
PORTC: EQU $1003
DDRC: EQU $1007
ldaa #$EB
staa DDRC

readSW: ldaa PORTC

start1: ldaa PORTC ;load from portc
anda #$14 ;mask the switch
cmpa #$10 ;check switch 1
bne start2 ;not activated
starta ldx #digitsa ;activated load the data
loop1 ldaa $00,x
beq start1
staa PORTB ;o/p tp portb
ldy #$FFFF ;delay

delay1 dey
bne delay1 ;delay
bra loop1 ;else countinue

start2: ldaa PORTC ;load from portc
anda #$14 ;mask the switch
cmpa #$04 ;check switch 2
bne start3 ;not activated
startb ldx #digitsb ;activated load the data
loop2 ldaa $00,x
beq start1
staa PORTB ;o/p tp portb
ldy #$FFFF ;delay

delay2 dey
bne delay2 ;delay
bra loop2 ;else countinue

start3: ldaa PORTC ;load from portc
anda #$14 ;mask the switch
cmpa #$14 ;check switch 3
bne checkAgain ;not activated
startc ldx #digitsc ;activated load the data
loop3 ldaa $00,x
beq start1
staa PORTB ;o/p tp portb
ldy #$FFFF ;delay

delay3 dey
bne delay3 ;delay
bra loop3 ;else countinue

jmp readSW ;repeat


fcb $40

fcb $42

fcb $44

fcb $46

fcb $48

fcb $00


fcb $B1

fcb $B3

fcb $B5

fcb $B7

fcb $B9

fcb $00

fcb $40
fcb $B1
fcb $41
fcb $B0
fcb $00


Saturday, February 16, 2008


Anywhere is possible

Friday, February 15, 2008

the three of life

where do chicken come from(joke)

dinosour who wants to her sons to be small so he had a wish
and wish for a smaller babies.
and the next day it realise there is a SMALL egg infront of him.
an waited till it pop and POP it became a chicken!!
okay i noe its super duper lame.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

juz 2 see u smile cookie gal

I'm dying, but not today
i want to live another day
just to see your smile,

the cookie girl ways, i will miss
we both friends along the way
we both friends, as people would say
someone once told me
thing happen for a reason
she deserves the best
I'm just a friend, but not like the rest

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


why is the world twisted?
where is it being twist?
God is fair
Human can be understanding

but the world is still twisted

Sunday, February 3, 2008

coincidence or fate

Was it coincidence or fate that brought you to me,

Was it coincidence or fate that that we meet,

Was it coincidence or fate that taught me to believe,

Was it coincidence or fate that taught me to have hope,

Was it coincidence or fate that got me through the night,

will it be coincidence or fate that taught me everything was going to be alright,

which is it coincidence or fate