m i evil or good u decide,
m i army of darkness or soldier of god u decide,
m i a hero or a villian u decide,
for the sin i did, forgive me,
i don't know myself any more,
i m not the person who i used to be,
my life is unpredicted as i always hesitate,
lost in confusion
The Knowledge of life
life is a Gift...accept it
life is an Adventure... dare it
life is a Mystery...unfold it
life is a Game...play it
life is a Struggle... face it
life is a Beauty...praise it
life is a Puzzle... solve it
life is a Opportunity... take it
life is a Sorrowful... overcome it
life is a Song...sing it
life is a Goal... achieve it
life is a Duty...perform it
life is a Mission... fulfil it
life is a Knowledge... learn from it