project zero

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

u decide...

a man with a foggy clouds over him. he is sensitive and easily hurt and always feels lonely. he does not trust anyone but himself. sounding so negative, but he has an amazingly charisma. he is a compassionate man. he absorbs other people sentimental feeling and pain.

he is a good psychiatrist and he could understand complex and confused feeling. he has hidden power that he could use it to make things happen and do things well. he does not like people who never try to help themselves before asking other people for favours. he is the type of guy who mostly achieved his goal in life. once he sets his mind for something, he will put all his energy and efforts in it. whether or not it is small matter or big project. one of the most success man in all zodiac.

he is a very patient man and can waits for years to reach his goal. he hates thin feeling and weak determinations. he can not retreat or rest for long. for he thinks life has more questions and more answer to be searched.

if he is in love, you will get plenty of love from him, sometimes may be too much than you asked for. he is serious about love and relationship and will not waste time with someone he does not love wheter how pretty she is.

he makes mistake. he could tell if you have any bad thought and will not hestitate to tell you so. if you do not like straight forward sincere man, then pack your bag now. if you are an over sensitive person, try not to ask for his comments. he will tell you the truth, even you might not be able to take it. example, if you ask him you are fat(and you are fat), he will say 'YES as big as a ballon'. he makes such comments because he cares for do something about your weight and do not get up set with him.

if he says'you look pretty today', you can be proud because he will not say such thing just to please you if he does not really mean it. there will be both kind of people , thoes who like him and thoes who hate him. if you are in love with this guy, be strong and belief in your decision, do not be vulnerable. he remember all his anger and will wait for his pay back time.

he is very serious about your promise, do not promise something you could not keep. he loves his friends and will do anything for his close friends. he likes you to take care of him, but not in front of his friends. he is a complex man and you will never understand what he means if you do not really know him. he is happy to knows he is a complex figure. when is is thinking or when he needs his privacy, you should give him some space.

he memorize everything well. you may say something that you already forgotten but he will remember every words. he wants to be respected and admired and at the same time time he does not like people to have power over him.

when he falls in love, he really falls deep. a man in this zodiac once in love, he will be sweeter than sugar. he does not like plain and simple woman. a complex woman's mind is his venture. always be interesting and able to talk to him about everythings in any subject. he does not like a woman who sits around waiting for his call

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