project zero

Sunday, November 30, 2008

what if???

i don't working at sub-ct, i prefer work at pcc
i hate hospital's doctor, they never gave me good news
what if i have no tomorrow?
what if i have to suffer?
what will happen?
will it be the same when im gone?
will someone out there miss me?
maybe not
maybe people will forgot about me
why i'm saying this because... nvm
someone once told me everything happen because of a reason
some times i wonder how can i still smile when i always feel the pain inside
maybe i just dun want show...
and there are time that i dun care bout my self
well i just want to see u smile. that alone make me feel better
Adams Song - blink-182

Sunday, November 23, 2008

anime at suntec

well it's sunday
got a call from fahmy
about anime show at suntec
well what can i say i an anime fan
so let's go

how come huh?

how come huh?
why did they transfer me to sub-ct
i m the only sc's 132 intake in my team that can do 4 station in pic(pcc)
u all have teach me many things then i being transfer.
i will miss team a in pic(pcc)
and thanks for letting me do flag raising.
any way just comeback from bowling at ehub, my uncle treat us yay.

Friday, November 21, 2008

happy birthday dad!

it's 21 November
it's my father birthday
i brought him an ice cream cake from swensen
the price i cannot tell,
anyway i don't care much about the price
i just want everybody to be happy !!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


i will keep on hopping even it is a false hope
i will keep on hopping even it is the last hope
and keep on hop hop hehe.
not going to give up
and continue waiting.
wait and wait, wait long long also can.

because that the only reason for me to go on forward
the only reason so far...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Chipmunks Version - The Click Five

today 5 November, my birthday
what did i do today
wake up at 530
wash up
0620 left for work
0830 arrived at work
1700 left for home
1830 arrived at home
1910 left for stadium jogging
1930 arrive at stadium
2005 left for home
2015 arrived ar home
2105 my father buy me a cake
now wating for my mother to come home
so we all can eat together

Saturday, November 1, 2008

that day

from yong qing

from hafiz